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Full text of "Ma Barker FBI Files - Karpis-Barker Gang"

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Your attention Is called to the fact 
that the extended tine limit set on the return of 
fingerprint oar-t of ZUT*K loaned to your 

office Jlaroh 31st, will expi.r* on ipril 25th. 

•ill you please see that stid print 
io returned to the Identification Divicion not 
later than that. date. 

7ery truly yours, 

\ , CHIZF, 


APR £8 1927 

- — % * 

te.* •••• 

April f, MA 





Ftnfrprtat CU* 

0 EBBUf 6* tt* * 

£« U. C« 



, , ^-t J. D. oki*. city. 

Import of SS* cl ^ ft ^f! tt 
JSer d*t« of 4/18/27. 

M »ynop»i«« 

. * * **** ^kW' ^ 

aft ret»- 

<*lo*»* Cltj. Ckl»— 

_ n 1 7fi 

for vl3l»tl< 

r — 

■ ^ ~ «r- - «T* "'till 

. . m «»e»P«* f 10 * ^ -- ™tli_- alar* *•••»*••■ 

. MfiiDtA WW* w — V 

^.wt UBS "»*lf J! Utne W« **** VUl 

: , :^ • — -& — 1 n 

SrJS^: iFCilso* c^i^>- 5S t w? 

or ToMelo faaft Ja4; 


flalof of Kilo* Co^toD. **^l™*^j££JZi AP^ ! 

Sras TSirr ^£r^* f 

!?"LllS^rt oSrtlh^M* 1^ • Bods* h ** 4#d 

^m«StS lS Ituij. aa**tbaart of m^itt tmm 
o ooop o. rlotux* or warn o^Afl 
•otalaod for «klahoaa Cltj flit*. . 

, l^ert of J. * 8U». **t*d • fflot » 4-lt-tn 

• Aft BUkOgM* 


Aato *•!• 
Qklaherr-, la a 
rooopnla* 4 ta* 
) aaat* to *** 

^ TO aar* **or ooon aj 
oa tao day falloala* larkar' • oaoapt, 
Sola aiX opot-U**- •« "~ 
i oa* a* oold ta Parol aaallioaA-Ig 

It raportad to 
it a* . (< 

eitj fiut« 

j^nt tu aaaolo to latorrt** 
aad aot *xp*«to4 aaak aatllaoxt 

, vao la 1« Botrolt, Aoalfaa 

■ «r 




artou, aiua a aids. *iim_b. w. 

. allaaj. 1. TILLS Olf (Ik^itlT*). 
145. allaaOc. Xm WHIS. all*»?I. 1. AB23 (»u«lttT«) 

0. C. RII # S£-S46-t0 

at <flU 

Xatarrlavad Baputj Baerlff tld Jaokioa, ralaiira to 
Bab Jaet Barter balag la Tblaa, Okla. , algbt of April 10, 
HIT, Booorda of Mm Volleo Sopartaaat dlaeloaa tbat Babjact 
Barkar has otrrod tlaa la Uaaoaota paoltantiarj, Btlllaatar, 
Una., for fraad larooaji tbat a* kaa brother, frat Barkar, 
la Banaaa Stata pacitrat lary, and aaothar brat bar, . 


• aaa. 
aadar oarralllaaea. 
ao la kaapl&g la ol 
will koop tala 

Bw Bati 
ao mtad 
aot Bar bar 

CBt Baport of A«at% J. B» Claaa, data* April IS, 1927, 
eaptiaaad aa abora* 

- At flblea, Okla* - 

A*aat latarriaaod Baputj • Borlff tld Jaekaon rolatlva to Sabjoot 
baiM aaoa la felaa, rr: ahoaa , an night of April 10, 1917. Mr. Joaksoa Otatad tbat 
Sharlff Baarj WaUar, Parattarllla, Ark., oalloA bia on talapbxaa aad that ho ad r la ot 
•tariff lalkar tbat Babjaot Barkar'a rolatlvaa llrad U Tola a. aad that llkalj 
voald obav op bora aooni tbat ba Aid aot adrlaa fbarlff Balbar tbat Sobjaot Barter 
Woa ooaa U falaa oa April 10. Mr. Jaekaon furthar ttatad tbat ao Bad rarj Uttla 
iaforaatloa ooaearalac Babjoot Bar bar. Bat that bia fatbar and not bar Hood aa Bart* 

r.UL MAY \\ 




11 jxcta, •ii2pTi» 

1B0EB 4* 


l*tlot*l Motor f#Ktl» ***V^ 

^.—n forth. Fo«t Moll Eot ^ r *:: 
l-dlto» *~r 2fJ. *J£- bU rote» * 


jSFfiHBSGSi- Import ^ 

- 4t «u«3do^«. «Aohoao 

_ ^.^a Wr tbo Hot ^^L^^i^r^Sf » 
' ry . B !^^l?tr^«t sad ototod that on Bo*** 

of J.H. awiltfn. ooa© » jTi^^a) did not »* th !:.,!S tilt llomilton «** 
B**»r'. a.—* *at ho ooi« # ttoTrit 

latioool Bonk of Ki«d» Jr^oa M ho rotshod =^"1^11 tt fw«ttOf»lll 

^^LSull^SiS Chiof of fnlioo Oogton 2f J^^Tihort dU- 
Art., that ho **o*J*£* Eidod ^aitBi spring, •^Jf?°i|S hoboo not oota 
laer locatt aro^. ^ 1% , B rdjd^<wthot no jj-^ 

or h«rd .ny thing oteut tto^^ r»l»*iro to their ^orooJowo. 
«h»t If ho do«i ootoU ojj ibxob- 
Siuulr aotifr thio offuo. 

1. 1. 

Both fubjoctt 


•k Fc«t Scott. I e»- t ^ tiso y^itre La 

•r x.c m. 

. S. 


1ASC31 » ft * ltl * JIT!. «rtt of r«J 

rttnrz** ot Fort Scott 

TP*** is 

CU, strict - W** * " 
ib]tot cf Xdccttflctioc OrUr Bo. tn 

i^tioc is »oo j«c4U* 
f reference. Sabjcet 

t aenia - fc Mtai 

»timl *»t,r **l«to 

Hit • 

111 |nm •ffl^rt to BMlfU l§rtl»»«t tm »• 
lotifcMt for takj—L 

• ao torU»r Mti«a 







\ i**w l a %r t . 

! MAY 2 A 1127 

jUN 6 1*9* 


-> i 

Bfpartmrut of Ittettr* 

lama Jsmttptiaa 

?; o. ftox fl*», 
Seattle, WaAlaftoa 



10. »«' 



z tin 

Bi teeter, 

it Of JOttlM 

Of l»**»tie*tion 
Oaahlnfton, ». C. 

Bet User A. Iarta - Srtject X.O.flTl 
Bmtlt"^ g«t«r »efclfll« Theft AO* 

fhlt oill aokaoole«4*e r«e«ipt of fomr 
oOHO&iootloa of the 4th lait., eaelofiaf tea oopioo 
of XeeatlfioaUoa ©r*er Be. 

fhoakiaf joe for JMt. X » 

yonre very truly. 

«r Qalaaoxa City* Otit» 


IyXRS. .alias 

s -loonnrx 

■* BXSjiAM *3JLKXXB» alios 
».¥Vb03?EIXO. alias S.S 
SLKSl A. 4TCAS* alias CL^fcilKt alias 


P. H. 

letional Motor T thiol* 
fee it Aot 

Copies of Identification Order 
and. other information sent most Important 
•ities and sheriff b* offices la iicutana. 
So nndeyelopeo lead at this time In thie 

E. t?. C. 

Esfsrtaoe: Isport of Agent Cleery, Kansas City* 6-14-27 

At Battet Montane. 

As in Synopsis and Beferenoe. 

R. TT. C. 

fn-t Batte 
Oklahoaa City 
tames City 


14SID, ollo» AI 1TB3, olUt P. V. 

eusmia. aixa« 1. 1. vxuscb — maun! 

BOS A. IlftiJr, olUo C U YESl, tllM !• M. 

Sttlosol Botox T*UU 
tboft Aot* 

(0. C. Ill* #£*-4to-10«) 


far Bujtot *• 
C1t«b la this 

to Uouo Idoatif lootlra OrAar 
or. iiMinry usfornatlOB 

I Bo^Ort tf AfOAt 1. 1. Cl«c(, OAtO* 

■ft? It, 19 27* 


- *i 

looos la tola 41 at riot rogaro'lag th# oborooboatt 
tUok to toto m Most 1 float lo» OrAor it M 

Batsob Bar bar, olUo Al Ajoro, oltoo B. f . Oo ft olio, 
allot I. 1. Wlllooa, olloo J. I. Boalltoa, olUo 
1. B. Valtttor, olUo 9. V. Boooro, olUo tort 
t«r ( olUo Ooronoo toarp. 

Booorlptloa oo of Bay, liU 

Bon Oetobor U, ltfl 
Sol*t f ft, «i to, 
VOl^t 111 

Too or Uroo book tooth 
appor left alatias 
Uap U toft tog 
Boooatly obot to took 
5/t» haool toft oltb book toot* i 

feaploxloa oaAloa Aark of obet «tlll to boo* 
Bororal tottoo* of bbAo «om§ oo boty oaA 
tattoo of Baato aaA Flof or oao 

o Boy, ItU 


W» foot, Woottto. 

«ti. (1-C.tattj.t 

uto ^, yao. cut* 

1* A 


5 W 

» * 




■«7 v, 





Prank Oolt, S. kf<&? 

PD. W. " — IX) . allXs. B . WILL30P- PVGIXXVB 

a. ism**. *iia»c. i. em, oliao 
n 7 h. A*a , mum - :. o. §»n 

/Co i 

Await in£ ^probonaioo of oubjeet BARKER* £ ^ ' r (" I 

Rtporl Agont Cloary, bnai Citj Offico, 14.1117, 
aod PUt* 

It i« ootod ia roport of A/*r.t Orimon, OUaheaa Citjr Burton 
Office. Jure £1. t«*t lif-w-ixw. u*a bton furniobod tho Buroau upon witeh to 
•a idootlflo*tion orlor. Awaiting approhonoion of oubjoct, flit will DO 



90 ••or w«irm in 

j 1-Polloft 

j^li JUL 15 1927 


X-Oibahoma Oitpl-wgjJ- 

Jin, IP i?:. 

-Hi" • 


>m*r c * *** '" . J»^i 


4. 3 

CfOBfUB) - UHClfflttif BDH <RUB #ffS# 

1. 1. ftwti 

laUmtl totor Ttotalt 

mft At. 

|0. 0. #et-AO-W7). 


a^aA f»a> Jail at 

•ai mtmil to «=V^ 

U tto Alkttiti tUt« FaaitoatlaJX 

tf taror t»a vHtrUc utHii 

«ta«M ttet to aA**t ftralaa iafarmtlta tf ml- 
«a U afftfto * Mli i ti al ttojtat 


tt aVtttotUlt, 


«ttn fUt tastlaaaA aa atom, 
- At aWtttariUa, I tawi - 
ttoriff at miattofillt, 

(totptr) ma a mT a toa Aa A atrtml 
, ifHr VtUf atot nUft ttora ' 

, Ml ttatttttA «• • Ifkt 

•f ftrftry aaA vtttrlaf aaA U 

tki ift la tl 

I ttot to 


It will to atom firm jrtrtw ttptrt tf ttot Afmt, AattA AyrU 
1A_ lftf ttot tklt tal toir (toamr) wm^H frm tto atmaty Jail at tatttotlUA, 

MMtel tarn** VtoA~toiml trm ttoMW fi»ta « «^>A "Oo^«r U ttot 
. , t i « a a*»t mil ma. flam bo«, aftor Mt tit an alt* tostor, 

i£ ) tata^ M T w lS H 52: -J toJSui •»« 

Utto vtoUdto tf Mm, tola., atoll tto toto tf kit trtttt. ■^i" 5^ 
taTto» • tA«mtA tott to toA tots «1 to tortor taUf ^to 

MA tm JtU aaA tot tut to ma tntttoi. mtxlff mltor tATia- 
rJriSll to tttoU (to tostr tay Ufirmtlta tf mtot at to 
MtotoVto ataaa tfUtttUff Ua, tot It It tot tyl»- 
if toatr tm ftofttV UttrrltttA at tto Armtaat ttoto mitttotaay •% 
tto adAto fttTtrnt ttlmalt Uftaatlta ^^i^^tSC^ 



Jrpnrtauni of f ttstfct 

tkums of JfttrnttjitioTi 
Jul, Ef # 192T* 

In oaaplicnoe with your naraoranuxaa of July 22nd # 
I enclosing herewith original fingerprints and phot*- 
graph of one EXJtllS iAKKXH, alias J. E. Hfallton* 

lour attention Is respectfully called to the 
Director's •et»randw f dated March 16, 192? # wherein 
It ie directed that prints leaned to offices in the 
t be returned within 2 w*eta # 

Will you please see that the above referred to 
print is returned to the Identification Dirision not 
later than in^uat 10th, which is the expiration of the 
2 week period in thir oaee* 

Tory truly yours. 



I £7 M?J v.